Selasa, 25 Maret 2014
Joe Satriani (Gitaris No.2 Didunia)
Joe “Satch” Satriani (lahir di Westbury, New York, Amerika Serikat, 15 Juli 1956; umur 55 tahun) adalah seorang gitaris dan guru gitar. Ia memulai kariernya sejak umur 12 tahun.
Beberapa muridnya yang telah menjadi terkenal adalah Steve Vai dan Kirk Hammett. Ia terkenal ketika menaruh lagunya di Internet, dan banyak orang suka lagu yang dia mainkan.
Pada awal karirnya, Satriani bekerja hanya sebagai instruktur gitar saja dengan beberapa mantan muridnya telah mencapai ketenaran dengan kepiawaian gitar mereka, yaitu Steve Vai, Larry LaLonde, Kirk Hammett, Andy Timmons, Charlie Hunter, Kevin Cadogan, Alex Skolnick. Memang Satriani telah menjadi sumber inspirasi para musisi dunia sepanjang karirnya.
Pada tahun 1988, Satriani direkrut oleh Mick Jagger sebagai gitaris untuk tur solo pertama Jagger, namun kemudian, pada tahun 1994, Satriani sempat direkrut sebagai gitaris untuk Deep Purple, kemudian sempat pula bekerjasama dengan berbagai gitaris dari beberapa genre musik, termasuk Steve Vai, John Petrucci, Eric Johnson, Larry LaLonde, Yngwie Malmsteen, Brian May, Patrick Rondat, Andy Timmons, Paul Gilbert, Adrian Legg, dan Robert Fripp melalui konser tahunan Jam Concert G3.
Satriani sangat dipengaruhi oleh gitar blues-rock ikon seperti Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Ritchie Blackmore dan Jeff Beck, namun memiliki gaya tersendiri yang tetap menjadi ciri khasnya dalam memainkan gitar.
Steve Vai (Gitaris No.1 Didunia)
Steve Vai (lahir: Carle Place, New York, 6 Juni 1960) adalah gitaris, penulis lagu, penyanyi dan produser yang berasal dari Amerika Serikat.
- Group Band Saat Ini: Steve Vai
- Group Band Sebelumnya: Hot Chocolate, The Ohio Express, Circus, Rayge, Bold As Love, Axis, Morning Thunder, Frank Zappa, The Out Band, The Classified, 777, Alcatrazz, David Lee Roth, Whitesnake
- Pengaruh: Joe Satriani, Frank Zappa
- Gitar: Ibanez Universe, Ibanez JEM
Pada umur 6 tahun, Steve mulai belajar piano. Pada umur 10 tahun, Steve mulai belajar bermain akordeon. Pada umur 13 tahun barulah Steve mulai mendalami gitar dan sejak saat itu lahirlah seorang dewa gitar yang baru.
Steve Vai mengawali kariernya dengan album debutnya Flex-Able Leftovers pada tahun 1984. Pada tahun 1990, Steve merilis album keduanya yang berjudul Passion and Warfare. Album ini mendapat pengakuan internasional dan Steve memenangkan polling pembaca majalah Guitar Player dalam 4 kategori yang berbeda. Album Steve yang ketiga berjudul Sex & Religion dirilis tahun 1993 dan album keempatnya Alien Love Secrets dirilis tahun 1995. Pada tahun 1996 album kelima Steve Fire Garden dirilis.
Tahun 1999, Steve meluncurkan album keenamnya yang berjudul Ultra Zone. Dalam album ini Steve lebih banyak memfokuskan dirinya dalam komposisi lagu dan bereksperimen dengan gitarnya. Tahun 2001 album The Seventh Song dirilis dan album ini berisi lagu-lagu slow/ballad yang pernah dirilis Steve dengan ditambah beberapa lagu baru. Dan di tahun 2001 Alive in an Ultra World pun dirilis.
Steve Vai juga pernah memproduksi 2 album Natal yang berjudul Merry Axemas Vol.1 dan Merry Axemas Vol.2, juga konser G3 bersama Joe Satriani dan Eric Johnson/Kenny Wayne Shepherd dan terakhir John Petrucci turut juga bergabung dalam G3.
Belakangan ini Steve Vai lebih memfokuskan diri bereksperimen pada permainan gitarnya dan sekarang ini band Steve Vai ditambah seorang pemain bass yang sudah tidak asing lagi buat fans-fans rock tahun 80-an, Billy Sheehan
Biografi L.V.Beethoven
van Beethoven keluar jadi jabang bayi tahun 1770 di kota Bonn, Jerman.
Semasa kanak-kanak sudah tampak jelas bakat musiknya yang luar biasa dan
buku musik ciptaannya muncul pertama kali tahun 1783. Di usia remaja
dia berkunjung ke Wina dan diperkenalkan kepada Mozart tetapi perjumpaan
keduanya berlangsung singkat. Tahun 1792 Beethoven kembali ke Wina dan
sebentar dia belajar musik dengan Haydn yang kala itu pencipta musik
Wina kesohor (Mozart mati setahun sebelumnya).
Beethoven menetap di Wina, Mekkahnya musik waktu itu, selama sisa hidupnya. Rasa musik Beethoven yang tinggi selaku pemain piano mengesankan tiap pendengamya dan dia berhasil baik selaku pemain maupun guru. Segera dia menjadi pencipta musik yang produktif juga. Karyanya dapat sambutan baik. Sejak umur pertengahan dua puluhan ke atas, dia sudah mampu menerbitkan dan menjual buku ciptaan musiknya tanpa kesulitan apa pun.
42. LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)
Ketika Beethoven berumur di ujung dua puluhan, tanda-tanda ketuliannya mulai tampak. Tak pelak lagi gejala ini amat merisaukan si komponis muda. Tuli buat seorang pencipta musik betul-betul suatu malapetaka. Suatu ketika timbul keinginannya mau bunuh diri saja.
Tahun-tahun antara 1802-1815 sering dianggap masa pertengahan karier Beethoven. Pada masa istirahat itu, akibat ketuliannya menghebat, dia mulai mundur dari pergaulan masyarakat. Ketunarunguannya ini membuat orang punya kesan tidak yakin bahwa Beethoven memang betul-betul anti manusia, anti masyarakat, benci bergaul. Dia terlibat dengan percintaan yang kerap dengan gadis-gadis muda tetapi tampaknya semua hubungan ini berakhir tak bahagia dan tak pernah beristeri.
Karya musik Beethoven sendiri menggila produktifnya. Tahun-tahun terus berjalan namun perhatian yang diterimanya makin lama makin susut yang mestinya populer buat seorang komponis seperti dia di jaman itu. Tetapi, kesuksesannya menanjak terus.
Pada usia empat puluhan Beethoven menjadi seratus persen pekak. Akibatnya, dia tak pernah lagi tampil di muka umum dan semakin menjauhi masyarakat. Hasil karyanya semakin sedikit dan semakin sulit di fahami. Sejak itu dia mencipta terutama buat dirinya sendiri dan beberapa pendengar yang punya ideal masa depan. Dia pernah bilang kepada seorang kritikus musik, "Ciptaanku ini bukanlah untukmu tetapi untuk masa sesudahmu."
Ini merupakan ironi yang kejam dari sebuah nasib bahwa seorang komponis paling berbakat sepanjang jaman harus tertimpa musibah ketulian semacam itu. Kalau saja Beethoven dengan kekuatan tekad non-manusiawi -- dalam ketuliannya itu-- terus tetap menjaga mutu komposisi musiknya, ini akan merupakan hal yang memukau dan brilian.
Beethoven menetap di Wina, Mekkahnya musik waktu itu, selama sisa hidupnya. Rasa musik Beethoven yang tinggi selaku pemain piano mengesankan tiap pendengamya dan dia berhasil baik selaku pemain maupun guru. Segera dia menjadi pencipta musik yang produktif juga. Karyanya dapat sambutan baik. Sejak umur pertengahan dua puluhan ke atas, dia sudah mampu menerbitkan dan menjual buku ciptaan musiknya tanpa kesulitan apa pun.
42. LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)
Ketika Beethoven berumur di ujung dua puluhan, tanda-tanda ketuliannya mulai tampak. Tak pelak lagi gejala ini amat merisaukan si komponis muda. Tuli buat seorang pencipta musik betul-betul suatu malapetaka. Suatu ketika timbul keinginannya mau bunuh diri saja.
Tahun-tahun antara 1802-1815 sering dianggap masa pertengahan karier Beethoven. Pada masa istirahat itu, akibat ketuliannya menghebat, dia mulai mundur dari pergaulan masyarakat. Ketunarunguannya ini membuat orang punya kesan tidak yakin bahwa Beethoven memang betul-betul anti manusia, anti masyarakat, benci bergaul. Dia terlibat dengan percintaan yang kerap dengan gadis-gadis muda tetapi tampaknya semua hubungan ini berakhir tak bahagia dan tak pernah beristeri.
Karya musik Beethoven sendiri menggila produktifnya. Tahun-tahun terus berjalan namun perhatian yang diterimanya makin lama makin susut yang mestinya populer buat seorang komponis seperti dia di jaman itu. Tetapi, kesuksesannya menanjak terus.
Pada usia empat puluhan Beethoven menjadi seratus persen pekak. Akibatnya, dia tak pernah lagi tampil di muka umum dan semakin menjauhi masyarakat. Hasil karyanya semakin sedikit dan semakin sulit di fahami. Sejak itu dia mencipta terutama buat dirinya sendiri dan beberapa pendengar yang punya ideal masa depan. Dia pernah bilang kepada seorang kritikus musik, "Ciptaanku ini bukanlah untukmu tetapi untuk masa sesudahmu."
Ini merupakan ironi yang kejam dari sebuah nasib bahwa seorang komponis paling berbakat sepanjang jaman harus tertimpa musibah ketulian semacam itu. Kalau saja Beethoven dengan kekuatan tekad non-manusiawi -- dalam ketuliannya itu-- terus tetap menjaga mutu komposisi musiknya, ini akan merupakan hal yang memukau dan brilian.
Jumat, 21 Maret 2014
Story Telling
Once upon a time, in the coastal area of Sumatra,
lives a poor family. The family had a kid named Malin Kundang. Due to very poor
condition of their families, Malin kundang's father decided to go to the
country side.
Malin kundang and his mother hope that he could bring some money and support their daily needs. Time after time, they wait for him, but he did not come. They even believed that he is already dead.
Feeling sad, Malin kundang thought that he could make a living in the country side in the hope that later on when returning to my hometown; he has become a very rich. Finally Malin kundang go sailing along with a merchant ship captain in his hometown that has been successful.
Malin kundang and his mother hope that he could bring some money and support their daily needs. Time after time, they wait for him, but he did not come. They even believed that he is already dead.
Feeling sad, Malin kundang thought that he could make a living in the country side in the hope that later on when returning to my hometown; he has become a very rich. Finally Malin kundang go sailing along with a merchant ship captain in his hometown that has been successful.
Kehidupan Malin Kundang Sebagai Pelaut
During his stay on the ship, Malin kundang lot to
learn about seamanship on the crew that has been experienced. Malin studied
hard on his friends shipping on more experienced, and ultimately he's very good
at shipping.
Many islands have been, up to a day in the middle of the trip, suddenly Malin kundang ships were attacked by pirates. All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates. Even most of the crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin kundang very lucky he was not killed by the pirates, because when it happened, Malin immediately hid in a small space enclosed by the timber.
Malin Kundang floats amid sea, until finally the host ship stranded on a beach. With the rest of the existing power, Malin Kundang walked to the nearest village from the beach. Arriving in the village, Malin Kundang told the ntives about the incident that happened to him. Malin village where villagers stranded is very fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in work, over time Malin had become a very rich. He has many fruit merchant ships with the children of more than 100 people. After becoming rich, Malin Kundang marry a girl to become his wife.
Many islands have been, up to a day in the middle of the trip, suddenly Malin kundang ships were attacked by pirates. All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates. Even most of the crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin kundang very lucky he was not killed by the pirates, because when it happened, Malin immediately hid in a small space enclosed by the timber.
Malin Kundang floats amid sea, until finally the host ship stranded on a beach. With the rest of the existing power, Malin Kundang walked to the nearest village from the beach. Arriving in the village, Malin Kundang told the ntives about the incident that happened to him. Malin village where villagers stranded is very fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in work, over time Malin had become a very rich. He has many fruit merchant ships with the children of more than 100 people. After becoming rich, Malin Kundang marry a girl to become his wife.
Kembalinya Malin
After a long marriage, Malin and his wife make the
voyage with a large and beautiful ship with the crew and a lot of bodyguards.
Malin kundangs wife want to know his husbands hometowns. In the other side,
poor Malin kundang mothers was worried about his son, and goes to the beach
everyday, hope that her son will be back from the journey. She saw a very
beautiful ship landed on the town harbour. Malin's mother who always checks
every ship that arrived, hoping there is his son among the passenger, surprised
to see a man. She founds out that he is her son Malin kundang.
Malin Kundang stepped down from the ship. Once close enough, his mother saw the birthmarks on Malin kundangs arm. She is now convinced that Malin is her son. Missed so much, she hug his son and asked "Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long without sending any news to me?". Arrogantly, Malin immediately released her mother's arms and pushed him up to fall. "Old women, I do not know who you are" said Malin Kundang at his mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother, because of shame with her mother who is old and wearing tattered clothes. "She was your mother?" Malin's wife asks him. "No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be admitted as a mom to get my property".
Malin Kundang stepped down from the ship. Once close enough, his mother saw the birthmarks on Malin kundangs arm. She is now convinced that Malin is her son. Missed so much, she hug his son and asked "Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long without sending any news to me?". Arrogantly, Malin immediately released her mother's arms and pushed him up to fall. "Old women, I do not know who you are" said Malin Kundang at his mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother, because of shame with her mother who is old and wearing tattered clothes. "She was your mother?" Malin's wife asks him. "No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be admitted as a mom to get my property".
Kutukan Ibu Malin
Hearing statement and treated arbitrarily by his son,
the mother of Malin kundang is very angry. He did not expect him to be
rebellious child. Because anger is mounting, Malin's mother tipped his hand,
saying "Oh God, if he my son, I curse him became a stone." Malin's
mother goes away with sad feelings. Knowing that his only son, which she always
loves and missed all days, come and treat her like that.
Malin kundang and his crew departed shortly after visiting the hometown.Soon after departed, the calm, nice weather suddenly changed. The winds roared fierce and storms come to destroy the ship Kundang. Malin himself knows that it might be the curse from his own mother. That makes Malin prays, to beg a mercy from the God. The ship are destroyed and dumped into the beach. Malin's body and the shipwrecks scattered. After that Malin' body slowly becomes rigid and in time they finally shaped into a rock. Malin's mothers feel sorry about her son's fate. But it was too late.
In moslem tradition, it is believed that prays from the parents are easily granted by God, either bad or goods. This story told people to be humbles and do not forget his family after being successful, the story also told the parents that they must not easily pray a bad things to their children, and guide their children with care and lots of patients
Malin kundang and his crew departed shortly after visiting the hometown.Soon after departed, the calm, nice weather suddenly changed. The winds roared fierce and storms come to destroy the ship Kundang. Malin himself knows that it might be the curse from his own mother. That makes Malin prays, to beg a mercy from the God. The ship are destroyed and dumped into the beach. Malin's body and the shipwrecks scattered. After that Malin' body slowly becomes rigid and in time they finally shaped into a rock. Malin's mothers feel sorry about her son's fate. But it was too late.
In moslem tradition, it is believed that prays from the parents are easily granted by God, either bad or goods. This story told people to be humbles and do not forget his family after being successful, the story also told the parents that they must not easily pray a bad things to their children, and guide their children with care and lots of patients
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